Photos from Tesco Whitehaven bonnie baby .... I'll keep uploading the images from the days shoot as quick as I can. So far we have had a good responce. Please tell all your friends to get down to Tesco with their babies so we can raise as much as possible for Diabetes UK
10% of on-line sales will also be donated

(Some are not 'bonnie baby' photos, but mother and baby and older children taken when mothers have entered a baby or made a donation for me to take the photo.)

Photos will be up in the store in a few days .

A full photo product list is available from this website, just click on the thumbnail to see a larger image and the product/price list. Your order goes to a photo lab. and will be delivered direct to you.

If ordering other than 'best fit' sizes please make sure you adjust the image to fit the print size as you would like it.
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